Minard Castle
Loch Fyne, Argyll, Scotland

Frequently Asked Questions

How far is Minard Castle from

Glasgow, 80 miles (128km), 2 hours

Glasgow Airport, 70 miles (112km), 1 3/4 hours

Prestwick Airport, 100 miles (160km), 2 1/4 hours

Edinburgh, 125 miles (200km), 2 3/4 hours

Edinburgh Airport, 115 miles (185km), 2 1/4 hours

Fort William, 87 miles (140km), 2 hours

Islay (Port Askaig - includes ferry crossing), 60 miles (96km), 2 1/2 hours

Inverness, 150 miles (240km), 4 hours

Loch Ness (Fort Augustus), 120 miles (192km), 3 hours

Oban, 52 miles (85km), 1 1/2 hours

Skye (Skye Bridge), 160 miles (260km), 4 hours

Timbuktu (Tombouctou, Mali) 2750 miles (4400km)

Distances are approximate and times are rough estimates of driving times by car.

For other distances we suggest you consult Google Maps, <https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en>. Click on "Get directions" near the top of the page, then enter the name of the place you are coming from in box A and also "Minard Castle" in box B to get detailed directions, distances and driving times. Please note that if you are following the Google directions, they have omitted a left turn at the bottom of the Minard Castle drive! Item 5 should be "Turn left", at which point the castle is visible anyway. If you are driving from the Glasgow direction, three-quarters of a mile (1km) beyond Minard village you will see the sign to Minard Castle on the left hand side of the road. If you are coming from the opposite direction, look out for our sign on the right hand side of the road, about twelve miles (19km) from Lochgilphead. The sign is green with "Minard Castle" in white letters, and it stands on a white base. At the end of the drive (about three-quarters of a mile from the main road) bear left and then turn right through the gateway with the cattle grid. Go past The Lodge, round to the front of the main house, and ring the front door bell.

Where is Minard Castle?

To see where Minard Castle is, click on the Map link. You can change the scale to see the location of Minard Castle in relation to the rest of Scotland. To return from the Map to the Minard Castle website, click the Back button of your browser.

How do we find our way to Minard Castle?

Please see the Map, Transport and Directions page on our website for full details.

NOTE: If you are using GPS to guide you to Minard Castle, please be aware that the postcode will put you in the middle of Minard village, not at the castle! The same difficulty applies to online map services. Some sysems may, however, correctly recognise the destination "Minard Castle". Please note that in some cases the name, or the usual name, may not be recognised but the postcode is. For example, instead of "Glasgow Airport" enter "PA3 2PF" (or "Glasgow Airport, United Kingdom"). In other cases, try the name of the nearest town.

Where is the nearest railway station?

Glasgow, for all practical purposes. There are some slightly nearer, with few trains and no car rental facilities.

How can we get to Minard Castle by public transport?

The only public transport from Glasgow (or anywhere else!) is by bus, and there are three busses per day in each direction. We are on the A83 road to Campbeltown and you would get off at our road end which is just past Minard village. You would probably like us to meet you from the bus as our drive is about three quarters of a mile long, so please let us know. You can see the bus timetable on the Scottish Citylink website at <http://www.citylink.co.uk>. Click on "TIMETABLES" and then on "Glasgow - Campbeltown".

If we travel by bus, how can we get to a restaurant for dinner?

There is a taxi firm in the area but booking in advance is advisable and taxis are expensive because of the distances involved. We strongly recommend that you rent a car so that it is easy for you to get about.

How can we get to any of the islands?

There are regular ferry services, some from quite nearby and others from Oban. You will find details on the Caledonian MacBrayne Ferries website <http://www.calmac.co.uk>.

Is there a bar at Minard Castle?

No. Minard Castle is a private house, not a hotel.

Where is the nearest bar?

Lochgair Hotel in the village of Lochgair (five miles south west).

Are evening meals available at Minard Castle?

No. Minard Castle is a private house, not a hotel.

Where is the nearest restaurant?

Lochgair Hotel in the village of Lochgair (five miles south west).

When are evening meals served?

Evening meals are served in most local restaurants from about 5.30pm until about 8pm or 8.30pm. If you are going to be late arriving you should eat on your way here.

Do we need to book a restaurant table?

This is advisable at busy times.


For further information please contact

Reinold Gayre
Minard Castle
Argyll PA32 8YB

Phone: 44 (0)1546 886272
Email: reinoldgayre@minardcastle.com
Web: www.minardcastle.com

Email Us



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